Friday, May 10, 2013

Summer Reading Requirements

1. Obtain a library card
   a. Visit the library on a regular basis
   b. Pick out books that interest you (fiction or non-fiction)
   c. If you know your Lexile level, pick out reading material that is slightly above your Lexile level
   d. If you have a younger relative living with you, add them to the reading program for extra credit*
2. Read 30 minutes a day
3. Write about what you are reading in your summer reading notebook
4. Talk about what you are reading with a parent/guardian, relative or friend
5. Set up an account in the Learning Express Library
     a. Log in (The sign on is your library card number)
     b. Click on "Reading Comprehension Skills Improvement"
     c. Click on "Reading Comprehension Courses"
     d. Start with the first course (add more as you move on) and click on the "Add to my center"
     e. Once you add a course to your center, you may begin that course
     f. Daily practice in the Learning Express Library would be great, but at least get in there once a week
6. Participate in this online Blog
    a. Visit often and see new posts by teachers
    b. Make sure your posts encourage discussions and are respectful

*For students who want to include younger relatives-
1. Let your younger relative pick out a book that he or she would like to read
2. Ask the child to read the book to you
3. Ask questions about the characters, action and conflict
4. Ask the child how he or she felt about the book
5. Have a parent/guardian document in your summer reading notebook that you read with the younger  relative